Why Is My Cat Going to the Litter Box So Much?

why is my cat going to litter box so much

Chances are that you really don’t pay that much attention to how often your cat uses the litter box. After all, it’s not really something that you are going to want to think about that often, and cats are independent enough that you don’t really need to monitor them, right? While this may be true on both ends, it is still important for you to have a general sense of how often your cat is going to use the litter. It’s important to have this sense of what your cat’s “normal” is in terms of using the litter box, as this will help you know when things are not normal anymore. Whenever your cat changes its habits drastically, such as going to the litter box far more often than usual, it can indicate that there is something going on with your cat’s health.

As for why, exactly, your cat is using the litter box so frequently, this is a question that cannot really be answered easily. There are quite a few reasons why your cat feels the need to use the litter box, and all of these reasons can have different causes in your cat’s health. Sometimes it can be issues with the urinary tract and the bladder, and other times it could be a simple case of constipation. You will want to observe your cat’s litter box behavior to try and get a better grasp on why your cat is using the litter box frequently. Remember that if you suspect that there is something going on with your cat’s health, the first thing you should do is bring the cat to the vet so that the vet can begin getting your cat on track to becoming a healthy, happy feline.

Urethral Obstruction

The name of this explains exactly what is going on inside your cat’s body. In a case of urethral obstruction, a cat’s urethra is blocked off by tither mucus or crystals that accumulated in the bladder and eventually formed a plug. This result is the cat being unable to urinate, although feeling the urgency to try because the bladder is still full even if nothing comes out of it. If your cat is male (this condition happens almost entirely in male cats) and your cat going to litter box frequently but nothing happens, this could be a sign that your cat has an obstruction. This can easily progress into a life-threatening condition, and as soon as you see your cat straining without being able to produce any results, you should consider booking an appointment with your vet.

Feline Idiopathic Cystitis

This is a condition similar in function to the one above, although the process is slightly different. This condition, rather than being one localized to the urethra and being almost entirely in male cats, is a neurological condition that can be found in both male and female cats. It is also a disease that is diagnosed through the process of elimination, which means that all other urinary and bladder conditions need to be ruled out first.

In essence, this condition causes issues with urination that will look somewhat similar to an obstruction. Your cat will likely try to lick themselves where they urinate, they will often appear to strain when they try to urinate, and they will attempt to go to the litter box on a far more frequent basis. When they do manage to urinate, there may be some presence of blood in the urine. You may also find that your cat urinates outside the litter box more often too, as this condition also brings about a sense of urgency to urinate, and in cats, this can be seen through inappropriate urination.

Kidney and Bladder Infections

Humans are not the only creatures who suffer from UTIs and kidney problems. Your cat, especially elderly cats, is just as susceptible to developing these issues as any other living animal and it may be the reason why your cat seems to have trouble with the litter box. Both of these conditions are common and can easily come across as your cat going to the litter box on a frequent basis, even though it may not be able to eliminate anything in the process.

Bladder infections, also known as UTIs (urinary tract infections) are fairly straightforward. It usually means that your cat has developed an infection somewhere along the urinary tract and may need some degree of antibiotics to help treat it. Symptoms of this will come across as your cat frequently going to the litter box to relieve itself, but only producing small amounts of urine at a time. Your cat may also show signs of painful urination, which can be heard if your cat yowls while using the litter box. If this goes on for too long, your cat may mistakenly associate the pain with the litter box itself and begin urinating outside of the litter box. Always seek out a veterinarian if you suspect your cat may have an infection of any sort, as it will be the vet who is the one who can offer medication for the infection.

Cats can also develop kidney stones and blockages, though it is much harder to determine if one has passed in your cat or not. Symptoms will generally be the same as the rest of the conditions above, as your cat will have an increased urgency to urinate but will not be able to produce much urine because of the blockage in the kidneys. Your cat may also feel pain when trying to urinate, which will come across as meowing and crying when trying to eliminate. In addition to this, your cat’s lower abdomen may be more sensitive to the touch than normal and your cat’s behavior may change to not letting you touch that area of its body at all. When you notice these symptoms, you will want to try and take your cat to the vet so the vet can examine the size of the stones to determine the right course of action for your cat.


As unenjoyable as it is, it is important to know what your cat’s “normal” is for using the litter box throughout the day. Knowing what is a normal rate of elimination will allow you to gauge when your cat is going to the litter box more frequently. When you are able to get a sense of this, you will be able to get your cat the veterinary help it needs before the problem develops into a life-threatening condition.

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